When to See a Podiatrist for Ingrown Toenails: Evaluation and Treatment Options

Ingrown toenails are an issue that occurs when the side or corner of your toenail grows into the skin. While it often grows out on its own, sometimes, you might not be so lucky, and the problem will require the assistance of a podiatrist like Dr. Breanna Ferguson at Mid Lake Foot and Ankle, serving Tavares, Eustis, and Leesburg, FL. So, when should you go? And what will happen during treatment?

Signs an Ingrown Toenail Needs Treatment

 Visit a podiatrist at our facility serving Tavares, Eustis, and Leesburg, FL, if you have redness and swelling that isn't going away. These are signs the toenail is too embedded to grow out normally without treatment.

You should also be concerned if your ingrown toenail is bleeding. Another time we encourage you to schedule a visit for this issue is if you have pus coming out of the area. This indicates you have an infection there that will need to be addressed.

Besides recognizing the symptoms, we also recommend you visit us if you are diabetic. You're more at risk for complications from foot problems, so tackling an issue early is essential.

What to Expect from Diagnostics and Treatment 

 Our podiatrist can diagnose the problem by merely looking at the site. We can also tell if the ingrown toenail is infected by viewing it only.

If there is an infection, our doctor will provide you with advice on how to treat the infection at home, such as by soaking and disinfecting it. In the more advanced cases, you'll need an antibiotic ointment.

In the more severe cases of an ingrown toenail, we'll need to treat the issue to relieve the pain and prevent any complications, like a future infection, if you don't already have one.

For this, we may place a splint under your toenail. By placing this device, the toenail won't be able to continue to grow into the skin. In some cases, we may need to remove the part of the toenail that's growing into the skin and let the remaining nail grow out.

Since certain habits increase your risk of an ingrown toenail, we'll educate you on ways to prevent this problem in the future. For one, by cutting your nails properly, you'll be less likely to experience ingrown toenails.

If you have an ingrown toenail that isn't growing out or have signs of infection, we recommend you contact Dr. Ferguson of Mid Lake Foot and Ankle, serving Tavares, Eustis, and Leesburg, FL, for treatment. We offer different options for ingrown toenails and can figure out the best course for you. 

Call 352-432-8434 today.

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Monday-Thursday: Closed 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM for lunch

Mid Lake Foot and Ankle




8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm



